PD & Training

The Training function involves identifying, facilitating, and evaluating the professional development needs for academic and professional staff in all areas of teaching and learning, including curriculum design, learning innovation, work-integrated learning, and technology-enhanced learning. This involves training and resources to enable blended, face to face, and online teaching and learning. The team also provides receive operational support, advice and coaching in the use of technologies, the University's Learning Management System (iLearn) and associated systems.

The Faculty of Arts encourages all academics and professional staff to strive for lifelong learning, to further develop their reflective skills, interpersonal skills and leadership skills.

The Learning Design and Production Team are responsible for identifying, facilitating, and evaluating the professional development needs for academic and professional staff in all areas of teaching and learning, including curriculum design, learning innovation, work-integrated learning, and technology-enhanced learning.

Workshops and Events

Workshops enhance knowledge on both pedagogical and technical subjects. We tailor workshops and one-on-one training sessions to departmental and individual needs. Faculty based training opportunities and support schemes are designed to give staff the resources they need to succeed.

Events are held periodically across the year to showcase L&T activities, build community, and provide a less formal space for professional development.


Performance is recognised in the Faculty of Arts Learning and Teaching Awards and the Vice Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Awards, which highlight and reward excellence in contributions to learning and teaching, innovation and leadership.