Gamification and Game-Based Learning

What is Gamification and Game-Based Learning?

Gamification refers to the use game elements and game mechanics to engage students and enhance their motivation in the learning process. Gamification can take many forms and can be used in a variety of ways to motivate and engage students. Gamification can also be used to encourage collaboration among students and to create a sense of community in the classroom. Gamifying your classroom may include:

  • Online game platforms (Kahoot, Jackbox).
  • In-class games (puzzles, competitive timed tasks).
  • Offering rewards, such as points, leaderboards, experience points, and/or badges.

Crucially, students' success in games should not be reflected in their grades outside of participation, as they are often context and timing dependent and not an accurate reflection of your students' competencies.

Game-Based learning (GBL) is a type of instructional technique that uses gaming elements as a way to engage learners and increase their knowledge. It is a form of experiential learning that encourages students to learn by doing, exploring, and problem-solving in an interactive environment. GBL emphasises engaging students in critical thinking and problem-solving by allowing them to experiment, interact with other players, and receive immediate feedback. Games can provide an immersive environment to help learners understand complex concepts and develop real-world skills.

Source: Understanding Game-based learning: Benefits, Potential Drawbacks and Where to  Begin

Contact the Faculty of Arts LD&P team  to learn more, ask how you can Gamify your unit, and get your students playing along.